MGS Karting 92x0 v1.0 About This Package: Target hardware: Hardware: Nokia 9210, 9210i, 9210c, 9290 Install: 1. 1M or more memory space for software installation and 1.8M or more free memory for running the game 2. Magic Game Station (MGS) v1.9 or later is required to play this game. If you don't have it installed, install MGS.sis come with this Package. After install MGS.sis you can find "MGS" Application icon in the "Extra" group. 3. Nokia 9210 users: Nokia Advanced Audio Support is required. If you don't have it installed, install advancedaudiosupport.sis come with this Package. 4. Install MGSKt9200.sis Start the game: Start MGS in the "Extra" group, and "MGSKarting" will be listed for play. Just select it and press "Start" to play. Registration MGS Karting 92x0 is a shareware. Only one character, one card and one track are free for play, the rest of the game are not. If you like playing the game, please consider giving us some support by registering the game. You can find out how to purchase the game from the following websites: Game play: Online documents is at How to Contact us If you have any problems with the game or you have some suggestion, you can send us an E-mail using following address: