BattleShips 1.0 =============== BattleShips is the game where, after you position your fleet of ships, you and the computer take turns at firing, trying to completely sink your opponents fleet. This version of BattleShips is freeware and was written for the Nokia 9210(i)/9290/9300(i)/9500 range of Communicators. How it works ------------ BattleShips uses a similar menu-layout as Nokia's game Bounce. For this reason it should be pretty easy to navigate around the main menu. How BattleShips works can be controlled in the Options section, where you can set the sound volume, difficulty level and shot mode. Sound: ------ The sound volume can be set to "Off", "Low", "Medium" and "High". The default setting is "Medium". Levels: ------- 1. Ensign This is the most basic level. The computer just fires random shots. 2. Lieutenant This is the same as the Ensign level, but whenever the computer hits a ship, it will search the surrounding area until the ship is completely destroyed. 3. Captain Fires in a checkerboard pattern and once found also completely destroys the ship. 4. Admiral Fires in a checkerboard pattern and once found also completely destroys the ship. This mode also takes into account the fact that ships cannot touch eachother and marks the area around a sunk ship as shot so it doesn't fire in those places again. The computer never cheats, but you'll find it is quite difficult to win in the Admiral level. Shot mode: ---------- With shot mode you control whose turns it is after a hit. If shot mode is set to "Single" (the default) player and computer alternate turns regardless whether they hit or miss. In "Hit shoots again" mode, the player or computer keeps the turn after a hit and can continue firing until a hot misses. High scores: ------------ After playing the computer calculates the score. Scores are calculated as follows: Each hit 25 points Each consecutive hit 50 points Each miss -1 point Remaining ship bonus 100 points per remaining ship For each level a separate high score table is maintained. Starting the game ----------------- After you select "New game", the game will start with a screen where you can position your fleet. One important thing to remember in this screen is that ships are not allowed to touch each other. This rule is enforced while you place your ships, so if you cannot move or rotate the ship, it's probably too close to the edge or another ship. In that case, move the ship or the ship that it is close to and try again. Interrupting the game --------------------- While you're playing the game, you can interrupt it by pressing the Escape-key. This brings up a menu which allows you to stop the current game or to change the sound volume (level and shot mode can only be changed from the main menu). Plans for next releases ----------------------- - Multilanguage support - Player/Player mode, so two people can play the game together - Improve graphics and sounds (the current set is grabbed together from internet resources) If you have further ideas for improvement, please let me know by sending an email to For updates and support surf to