CPACalc for Nokia Communicator 9200 Series

© 2002 Softtrends LLC, 1475 Barrett Place, Lawrenceville, GA 30043

© 2002 Softtrends Software Pvt. Ltd., 2970-1 12th Main, 4th Cr, HAL II Stage, Indiranagar, Bangalore


CPACalc is a calculator application with a simulated paper tape. All calculations you do appear on the paper tape and at any point you can save the papertape as a user program, or an output program. On a later time, you can load the old calculation by loading the paper tape. If you need to change a few numbers or operators and re-calculate the whole thing, you can do that by editing the tape and running the tape.


Besides the paper tape function, CPACalc has a very intuitive user interface and has all functions found in today’s desk calculators including Mark-Up/Down, TAX+, TAX-, Total and Grand total.

Before you install

If you are reading this file, you already have successfully downloaded and unzipped the package. The package contains this readme file and cpacalc.sis file that can be installed on the Communicator 9200 series smart phone using the PC Suite for Nokia Communicator program.


It is important to note that CPACalc requires the AppForge Booster (a Symbian OS extension) which come to you for free from Nokia and AppForge. Please click the link below to download the booster.


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